Monday, May 13, 2013

difference of opinion between classical Imams and Schools

May 13,

 by  Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

In a case where there is a ‘genuine’ difference of opinion 

between classical Imams and Schools, with one view of

 permissibility and the other of impermissibility, the desire to

 choose the ‘stricter’ ruling simply to gain respect and be

 regarded as pious… is a hidden spiritual disease! Being 

precautious and acting upon the stricter position is indeed 

praiseworthy, but sometimes one’s intention can be 

insincere, and the aim is to act all pious and prove that one 

is very religious and does not take ‘liberal’ views! Likewise, 

the desire to choose the more ‘lenient’ ruling simply to be

regarded as moderate or modern is also a spiritual disease

. May Allah Most High grant us sincerity, Ameen.

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