This EBook was compiled for readers to learn about the life of Khalid bin Waleed, the Sword of Allah.
The source text is from www.swordofallah.com, but I gathered everything into an easily to share EBook
that you can navigate easily, bookmark, and do full text searches. Enough from me here is a quick intro from the authors of the site:
This book contains perhaps one of the most brilliant biographies written on
the Companion of the Prophet (SAWS), Khalid bin Al-Waleed, Sword of Allah.
Khalid bin Al-Waleed was one of the greatest generals in history, and one of the greatest heroes of Islam. Besides him, Genghis Khan was the only other general to remain undefeated in his entire military life. A measure of Khalid's genius is that he was the only person to inflict a (temporary) defeat on the Prophet Muhammad, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).
The original title of the book, "The Sword of Allah: Khalid bin Al-Waleed,
His Life and Campaigns" was written by the late Lieutenant-General A.I. Akram of the Pakistan Army, in October 1969.
The author learnt Arabic in order to draw on the earliest historical sources and he visited every one of Khalid's
battlefields in order to draw analyses from the viewpoint of military strategy, including reconciling conflicting historians' accounts.
The book was originally published by the Army Education Press, Rawalpindi, Pakistan and printed by Feroze Sons Publishers in Lahore
, Pakistan. The excellence of the book was such that it has been translated from English into Arabic and is currently sold
in bookshops throughout the Arab World.
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