786 is numerological value to "Bismillahe Rahmane ne Rahim" which has surfaced recent era and it is an innovation ( Bidah ) in Islam and it is forbidden or more specifically "Haram" since Quran opposes Astrology,fortune telling, Numerology and such business and queries.
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Every innovation is misguidance and going astray, and all what drives man astray leads to Hell-Fire."
This tradition is not from the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, or his Companions. It developed much later, perhaps during the later `Abbasid period.
Few people derived this 786 from the ancient Arabic numerology and this sometimes also refers to a Hindu religious slogan called " hare Krishna " and makes it further unsuable.
Those who invented the "786", are GUILTY of tampering with the text of the Holy Qur'an. Muslims are invited to give up this EVIL and disgusting practice of using 786. It is, I repeat, an innovation, evil and in NO WAY sacred. It is a conspiracy against the kitaab (book) of Allah.
watch the following video link for surprise which points all religions to one god.
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