Friday, May 17, 2013

We call ourselves Muslim.

We hear on pray time music, We call ourselves Muslim.

we participate in haram festivals, we call ourselves Muslim.

we don't even know how to pray properly, we call ourselves Muslim.

we shave our beards and take off our hijab, we call ourselves Muslim.

our sense of clothing is revealing,
we call ourselves Muslim.

our income is haram, we call ourselves Muslim.

we backbite with our friends, we call ourselves Muslim.

we don't even end the night off with Qur'aan rather we watch movies and we call ourselves Muslim.

We do not read and understand what our ALLAH is written for us. instead we read text mesges sent by our friends We call our selves muslim

Sounds familiar?

Think about it: Was this the life of the Prophet Muhammad [sallallahu alaihi wasallam]?

Is this what the Qur'aan describes as a believers life?


Turn to ALLAH Worry about AKHIRAH..

Do not enjoy the fake enjoyment of this world.

We are ummah of the prophet sallalahu alaih wasallam live life like how he lived..

Offer namaz undrstand qur'an. .be humble. Give zakah stay away from shirq and bad deeds.

REMEMBER..!The life of this world is just the enjoyment of delusion [Surah Al-Imran 185]

We hear on pray time music, We call ourselves Muslim.

we participate in haram festivals, we call ourselves Muslim.

we don't even know how to pray properly, we call ourselves Muslim.

we shave our beards and take off our hijab, we call ourselves Muslim.

our sense of clothing is revealing,
we call ourselves Muslim.

our income is haram, we call ourselves Muslim.

we backbite with our friends, we call ourselves Muslim.

we don't even end the night off with Qur'aan rather we watch movies and we call ourselves Muslim.

We do not read and understand what our ALLAH is written for us. instead we read text mesges sent by our friends We call our selves muslim

Sounds familiar?

Think about it: Was this the life of the Prophet Muhammad [sallallahu alaihi wasallam]?

Is this what the Qur'aan describes as a believers life?


Turn to ALLAH Worry about AKHIRAH..

Do not enjoy the fake enjoyment of this world.

We are ummah of the prophet sallalahu alaih wasallam live life like how he lived..

Offer namaz undrstand qur'an. .be humble. Give zakah stay away from shirq and bad deeds.

REMEMBER..!The life of this world is just the enjoyment of delusion [Surah Al-Imran 185]


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